Acupressure Points for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are a common problem that cause severe pain, this condition is also known as nephrolithiasis. These are small deposits that form inside the kidneys when there is an imbalance of water, salts and other substances in the urine. These stones can cause severe pain, nausea and vomiting, and can potentially block the flow of urine, leading to serious complication, so understanding kidney stones can help to prevent their formation and ensure prompt treatment if symptoms occurs. Apart from medicines and operations there are other approaches to the problem, one of which is acupressure therapy and has been identified as having the ability to diminish the pain resulting from this condition. Acupressure points  for kidney stones will help to relive the pain symptoms by targeting specific pressure

Acupressure points for kidney stones

What Are Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are shaped deposits of crystalline structures and minerals that are formed in the kidneys, primarily when the urine contains high volume densities of crystal forming substances which include calcium, oxalate, phosphate, and magnesium and uric acid. These stones can be of any size, from the size of a grain of sand to the size of a golf ball.

Types of kidney stones includes

  • Calcium stones: Some are formed from calcium oxalate, and others from calcium phosphate; these are designated as the renal stone.
  • Struvite stones: These are normally known as kidney stones and are usually linked to urinary tract infections; the stones are capable of growing large very fast.
  • Uric acid stones: Which develops in individuals who don’t consume adequate fluids or in those who lose a lot of fluid- related to high protein diets.
  • Cystine stones: More rare, they develop in people who have a condition known as cystinuria – a genetic disease.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Pain is most often experienced when the stone enters the ureter, a small pipe, which links the kidneys to the bladder. Common symptoms include:

Symptoms of kidney stone


  • Severe sharp or cramping pain in the back, side or lower abdomen
  • Pain during urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • The desire to pass urine often or passing very small amounts of urine
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever and chills – associated with infection only

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a form of treatment that has been used for a long time and is practiced as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is one of the process of using massage technique on certain specified points on the body called the Acupoints, these points helps the body to heal itself. While acupuncture works on the principles of employing fine needles to the specific points, acupressure applies pressure on the areas on the body using fingers, hands or other instruments.

The use of acupressure in the case of kidney stones is aimed at relieving the pain, decreasing inflammation as well as increasing the functionality of the kidneys. The tactic works for specific locations; the symptoms are eased through the intervention and the process assisted in helping the body to pass the stones.

How Acupressure Benefits Minimizing the risk of kidney stones?

Human body contains channels called meridians through which energy travels to and fro. Basically, pain and illness occur if the flow of energy interferes or compromises with normal patterns of circulation. These imbalances are postulated to lead to conditions such as urinary kidney stones in the body. Acupressure points stimulate the Qi to bring back the circulation in these particular areas, alleviating the pain that is associated with a kidney stone and enhance kidney functions. Also, acupressure helps in relaxation of the meridian , lower stress, and help the body to control the operations of pain.

Acupressure Points to Dissolve Kidney Stones

There are acupressure points that refer to the kidney and the urinary system and Zhang and Wiesen reported these in 1994. Some of the following pressure points should be massaged gently but firmly in the treatment of the pain resulting from kidney stones, and for passage of the stones which are not so big: Below are the primary acupressure points for kidney stone relief:

1. Kidney 3 (K3) – Taixi

Kidney 3 point

  • Location: K3 point is located on the medial side of the ankle means inner ankle which is depression between Achilles tendon and the medial malleoli
  • Benefits: K3 is one of the most important acupuncture points according to TCM in treatment of kidney disorders. It is also used to tonify the kidney energy and strengthen the kidneys. Massaging this area can also be useful when it comes to the treatment of lower back pains which are common in those suffering from complications of kidney stones and enhance urinary control.

2. Bladder 23 (B23) – Shenshu

K23 point


  • Location: B23 point is located  at the waist on the lower back between second lumbar interface and third lumbar vertebrate
  • Benefits: This point is  known as the Kidney Shu point, this points is mainly for strengthening the energy of the kidney. Pressure on this point may relieve pain in the lower back which is normal when one has the kidney stones and help the kidneys in their work of filtering and excreting waste products and other excess substances out from the body.

3. Kidney 7 (K7) – Fuliu

K7 points

  • Location: This point is situated 2 fingerbreadths above the K3 point situated on the medial aspect of the lower third of the leg.
  • Benefits: K7 is useful in balancing water in the body making it useful in the treatment of ailments such as edema and urinary disorders. It aids in maintaining balance of water in the body.

4. Spleen 6 (SP6) – Sanyinjiao

  • Location: SP6 is found 4 fingers above the inner ankle bone right on the inner aspect of the leg.
  • Benefits: This point is well regarded for its performance in handling every complaint that concerns the abdomen and the lower body in general. It stimulates the kidney, liver, spleen, and has beneficial effects on the abdominal pain, dysfunction of urine and stress. Because stress can worsen the pain of kidney stones, using pressure on SP6 is an indirect method of pain relief.

5. Bladder 40 (B40) – Weizhong

  • Location: B40 is found near the midpoint of a curved line along the posterior aspect of the knee, at the depression which occurs when the knee is flexed.
  • Benefits: I believe this point is rather famous for helping to work on somatic pain, especially in the lumbar and upper and lower spine. It is often used for treating urinary conditions and even assists in the prevention or minimization of the pain occasioned by kidney stones.

6. Ren 6 (REN6) – Qihai

REN 6 points

  • Location: REN6 is located two finger breadths below your belly button.
  • Benefits: This point is called the Sea of Qi and it is used to nourish the body’s life force energy. One gets to reduce digestion health and urinary health and thus promote the expulsion of kidney stones from the body.

How to Apply Acupressure points for Kidney Stone Relief?

Mentioned below are standard policies on the application of Acupressure:

  • When applying acupressure for the kidney stones, it is important to use the correct procedure in order to tap into the most benefits least hurtful to the patient.
  • Use gentle, steady pressure: Massage the acupoints with your finger tips or any other tool, but with a relatively strong pressure. Do not try to apply small firming motions too vigorously, as this may well be tender or even cause some bruising.
  • Hold for 1-2 minutes: It is important to keep pressure on one point for at least 1 to 2 minutes. You can also use your fingertips to apply a circular motion in order to increase the sensation.
  • Breathe deeply: Taking a deep breath is a sign of relaxing muscle and increasing the flow of Qi. Breath through the nose, take a deep breath and blow out through the mouth while pressing down.
  • Practice regularly: It is recommended that acupressure should be done often for the best results to be realized. Belief to practice acupressure for the treatment of kidney stone pains and enhance the body’s natural healing system.


While acupressure is generally considered safe, it is essential to keep the following precautions in mind:

  • Consult a healthcare professional: Every time you decide to try another therapy, you should consult your doctor, if you are pregnant, if you have a chronic disease, if you are on medication.
  • Avoid certain points: Not all the acupressure points should be pressed particularly those who are pregnant or have some specific health problems.


Acupressure is a natural method that has various benefits in the absence of typical chronic conditions such as the pain associated with kidney stones. Specific points are focused in this procedure and the result obtained is alleviation of pain, inflammation reduction and assisting the body’s natural ways of excreting stones. Although acupressure should not be used as the primary treatment for kidney stones, it can be highly beneficial if used in addition to other forms of treatment, to improve the health of both the kidneys and the entire body. As with any new treatment one must consult a medical physician before adding acupressure onto this list to avoid putting themselves in harm’s way.

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