Best Hair care routines, home remedies for healthy hair


In present era having beautiful and healthy hair is a boon. Everyone wants healthy, beautiful hair. While everyone’s hair is different, there are many things you can do to help create the ideal hair care routine for your specific needs. Stress and other related issues leading to loss of hair, premature greying. So to have a shinny, undamaged  hair and that grows fast; the only thing you need to do is start with finding a right routines that fits your unique need. In this blog let us know more about best hair care routines.

Best hair care routines

Reason for damage of hair:

Your hair type, scalp health and life style are all the factors that influence your hair health. Use of mild, sulphate-free shampoo, washing hair too often, not oiling regularly can affect your hair growth. Factors like unhealthy diet, use of wrong products, pollution leads to dull and unhealthy hair stands. So hair care routine will solve many of your problem. Here are some best hair care routines.

Best hair care routines:

1. Massaging:

Massaging is a best technique to strengthen your hair root. It helps to moisture and condition your hair strands. Hydration is most fundamental aspect of health hair, Deficiency of moisture leads in dryness, brittle strands that results in split ends and breakage. Gentle oil massaging improves blood circulation, endorsing hair growth. Oiling, best helps in the condition where the scalp is itchy and dry, but see too that if you have any severe scalp infection you should avoid use of oil until it is treated.

2. Cleansing:

The next step is to cleanse your hair with the best shampoo that suits your hair. Washing is a crucial part of your routine, no matter what type of hair you has, this parts helps to remove dirt , oil and the residues that makes hair dull and lifeless.

3. How often you wash your hair?

It purely depend upon your hair and scalp type, but most people will wash their hair 2 to 5 times a week. If you have very oily hair, washing it daily may be necessary to keep your hair and scalp clean. People with very dry hair should wash their hair less frequently to prevent it from becoming greasy.

4. When to wash your hair:

If you want to make sure to use the right products for your hair and scalp type. For example, if you have very oily hair, using lightweight, silicone-free shampoo and conditioner will help prevent the appearance of a build-up. If you have very dry hair, using a deep conditioner or a rich, moisturizing shampoo can help keep your hair and scalp healthy.

Once washing is done detangling is another to look for, be sure to detangle it with a wide-toothed comb and let it air dry instead of blow drying it. Avoid combing your hair while it’s wet because it can cause split ends. Trim your hair every 6 months or when you notice split ends.

5. Shampooing procedure:

When you are applying the shampoo, be sure to focus on the roots and scalp of your hair, not the ends. You can use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a week to really get your hair squeaky clean. When you are finished with the shampoo, be sure to rinse it completely with lukewarm water.

6. Conditioning:

Once you’ve gotten all of the shampoo out, apply your conditioner to your hair, focusing on the lengths and not the roots. Make sure to detangle your hair before going to bath, and use a wide-toothed comb to distribute the product evenly. Leave the conditioner on for 1-2 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water make sure that you avoid hot water.

Conditioners moisturizes your hair and leave them feeling smooth, soft and silky. It’s important to choose a conditioner that is designed for your hair concerns, such as hydrating if you have dry hair or volumizing for limp locks.. Look for ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, argan oil and jojoba oil to help your strands retain their natural luster.

7. After Shower routine:

Avoid using hair drier, rubbing your scalp with towel, always allow you your hair to air dry. Use wide tooth or your fingers to detangle your hair. If required use leave in serum on the hair to have shiny look.

Home remedy

1. Onion and curry leaf

One best remedy is onion and curry leaf hair mask, onion has dietary sulfur which helps production of carotene and other enzymes in to your skull  and promotes hair growth on the other hand curry leaf is packed with antioxidant which makes hair stronger


Blend one onion or based on your requirement and strain the juice, and then take a fistful of curry leaf and make a paste either using blender or you can you pistil and mortar. Mix the paste of curry leaf into onion juice and mix well, apply this mixture to the scalp and hair till hair tip and tie it up. Leave it for an hour, wash it off using lukewarm water with a mild ayurvedic shampoo, use this mask once a week.

2. Fenugreek and hibiscus

Next hair mask is use of fenugreek and hibiscus leaf. fenugreek seeds is well known for its iron and protein content which are essential for healthy growth and hibiscus leaves and flowers are loaded with flameniods which increases circulation of blood for your hair follicles which makes your hair strong from the root and prevents hair loss.


Soak 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Next day boil the seed in the same water and cool it down, grind the seeds and, add about 8 hibiscus leaves and some flowers to the same and make a fine paste. Massage the paste on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes, after 3o  minutes was your hair with lukewarm water with a mild shampoo. Apply this mask twice a week

3. olive oil and aloe vera paste

Aloe vera contains vitamins which contributes to self rejuvenation and olive oil is a rich source of vitamin A and E which helps to strengthen hair strand and stimulate air follicle


Take 2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel and to this add 3 table spoon of olive oil in a bowl. Mix it will until it oil binds well to gel, massage this mixture to the scalp using your fingers at least for 10 minutes and leave it on hair for another 30 minutes. Wash you hair with lukewarm water and a a mild shampoo use it twice a week

Natural shampoo recipe

Kunkudukai (Soap nut) can make a best natural shampoo as it contains saponin, a natural cleansing agent is used as a shampoo which thoroughly cleanse your scalp and hair and also has a mild refreshing scent which feel you fresh.

How to make a shampoo

Tie arround5 to 7 soap nuts in a muslin cloth and place it in a pan with one cup of water and bring it to boil, reduce heat and shimmer for 10 minutes, off the stove and allow the water to cools. Squeeze the bundle of soap nut in water until the soap comes out if required use water to extract more soapy content, to this add 1 teaspoon of amla powder, 1 teaspoon of shikakai powder. Here your shampoo is ready now massage this soapy solution on your scalp and rinse it with water you can do this twice a week. This is the best home made shampoo and  a special body wash for those who are suffering from eczema and psoriasis.


Any product that supplies blood flow to the root of the hair can prevent hair fall one common lotion which can overcome hair fall is Minoxidil. This dilates the blood vessel suppling nutrients and oxygen to the hair root so that hair grows longer and stronger. This solution is applied locally and use of this has minimal side effect. Even you can try KZ lotion which is best lotion for dandruff control and strong roots


Tips to strengthen you hair:

  • Just like your skincare routine, your hair care routine needs to be tailored for your unique concerns. That means incorporating treatments, like hair masks or exfoliators, into your shower ritual. The best part is that these extra steps can easily fit into your daily schedule.
  • While every shower shouldn’t be an everything-shower, it’s a good idea to save this special routine for a day or night when you have plenty of time to dedicate to your beauty needs.
  • It’s also a great time to add in some pre-shower treatments, like a hair oil or scalp treatment. During the shower, it’s important to remember to set the temperature to lukewarm. Hot water strips your strands, leading to dry tresses and itchy skin. Lukewarm is best for the scalp and body health.
  • If you have sensitive skin, consider switching to fragrance-free cleansers and hair products. According to the National Eczema Association, scented products can lead to itching in some people, so be sure to test out a few different options if you’re experiencing irritation.
  • As with anything else, trial and error is the way to discover what works for you. It is also important to make sure that you are not over washing your hair, as this can cause it to lose its natural oils and become weighed down.
  • Shower you  hair at least twice a week, and try to avoid washing it daily if possible. If you do need to wash it daily, make sure to incorporate a clarifying shampoo into your hair care routine, as this will break up the residue left behind by product build-up and other undesired substances like oil and hair dye. Finally, be sure to visit your hair professional for trims every 6 months or whenever you notice that your ends are starting to split.


Everyone want their hair to be beautiful, strong and shinny. Proper care and cleansing your scalp and hair need attention. Use of best remedies helps to maintain your hair growth. Be mindful of your lifestyle if you are concerned about falling hair, eat a balanced diet and so not skip any meals because fasting deprives body from nutrients which leads to hair fall. Yoga and pranayama help to keep  you mind balanced and helps to have a beautiful hair.

Buy the products here:


KZ lotion

Soap nut

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